Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 10:08 am

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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PostingAdvertising - We do not allow people to post threads or to send private messages or emails to users here that advertise any products, services, websites or mailing lists. If you think it is something that will help members, and you have no personal involvement, or don't stand to gain anything from the site, you will be allowed. If you have any questions on whether you may post something or not, please contact any Moderator or Admin. You will be banned for advertising.Spam - Any user who continually submits posts that have no meaningful content, in attempt of increasing post count, or some other self promotion, is subject to being banned.Flaming/Trolls - We do not tolerate abusive, malicious, personal attacks. Anyone deliberately antagonizing other forum users by posting 'flame bait' type messages are not welcome. You will be banned for flaming. Photos and Graphics - Posting of photos and graphics from other websites/publications is strictly prohibited unless you have permission from the owner of the work. You will be banned for this. Any posting of pornography, or links to any pornographic site will be grounds for immediate banning.Posting in Correct Boards - Persistent posting of threads in incorrect boards will result in account termination. Please read the board descriptions to ensure you post in the correct board.Grammar - Please use correct grammar and spelling while avoiding any abbreviation of common words or phrases. No sentences such as "can u tell me cuz i want to no". Persistent disregard for the English language will be grounds for banning. Honest spelling and grammar mistakes are acceptable, but please take your time when posting.Legal Issues - We do not allow members to discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activity. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are also expressly forbidden. Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or is bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement.Administrators and Moderators - Please respect both forum moderators and administrators. Their time is donated to make VFKFO better. If you are found to be disrespectful of either a moderator or an administrator, you will be banned. Relevance - All post should be meant to be read and understood by Administrators, Moderators, Members and Guests. Inside jokes and double meaning posts distract from the forums and are grounds for banning. User Respecting - Please respect all members. Do not harrass or rant about any member, this is means for a ban.G RatedG Rated Content Only - Only post G Rated content please, there are kids on here.Act - Act as if your mother or grandmother we're watching you the whole time, it helps us bring the best in behavior.No Adult Themes - No adult themes are allowed in the forum, any mention of them and you WILL be banned.Signature Limits 1. No more than 6 lines of normal size font. (Size 4 or smaller)2. One image, using the [sig_img] code and no more than one line of normal size font. The image will be displayed as 400 x 100 pixels. So make sure your image is that size also or it will be stretched or squashed to be that size.3. Please no "bouncy" smilies. These are OK for regular posts, but not in signatures because they are too distracting.4. Please limit the use of "Glitter" in your signature to no more than about 1/4 of the signature. Use it to enhance the signature, not over the whole rightsPosts - VFKingdom reserves the right to edit, move, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of these rules. Any messages found to be in violation will be deleted without warning or explanation. All messages posted become the property of VFKingdom. Members - VFKingdom also reserves the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. Rules - VFKingdom reserves the right to change the aforementioned rules at any time without warning or notice. It is the responsibility of the forum member to check this page on a regular basis for any revisions in VMKingdom rules before making any posts to the forum. By posting to the VFKingdom forums, you agree to abide by the above rules and terms.